Saturday, November 19, 2005

Always Prepared

M: Wait a minute, I don't have a weapon...
L: Don't worry, you know I always carry a well-stocked arsenal with me. Hmm, let's see...what's the right weapon for you...(rummages through his obnoxiously huge backpack, which could also be considered a weapon)...I've got it! (hands Michelle the Quack-O-Ray from Ratchet and Clank)
M: Where'd you get this thing?
L: You remember when we accidentally killed Ratchet? Well, I didn't think he'd be needing them since he was dead and all, so I helped myself to some of his weapons. And by "some" I mean "all".


At 6:34 PM, Blogger Willows said...

Yume: Don't offer people cookies unless you're willing to pay up, cuz I know how you are about owing people cookies.

At 9:20 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Good point. xD

Change that if ya want. Feel free to mess with the layout 'n such all you like. :o


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