Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Battle Begins! ...even more!

M: They're so ugly! D= *points Quack-O-Ray at one, and pulls trigger.. but soon discovers that it's at V1 and takes a rather long time to transform these guys* ._.
*throws Ray aside, hitting another zombie in the side of the head* No time for this!
NEED NEW WEAPON! *clings to Largo's rocket launcher*
LAR: FOOL! >> *shakes Michelle off as firing at the undead masses with machine gun*

Friday, January 20, 2006

The Battle Begins

(Manhole cover pops off) (zombies come crawling out)
L: (pulls out random katana) Let's go!
LAR: Must kill the undead horde...give me a weapon.
L: (tosses Largo a rocket launcher and a machine gun)
M: (holds Quack-O-Ray at the ready) Yay! Battle time!
P:...This isn't happening...I'm walking away now. (walks away)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

W00t, we're duck-free.

M: Awesome! That's the greatest gift ever, a dancing duck..
P: ....
M: ..... Anyway.. Hm.. *stares at manhole* I swear I just heard moaning from there..
LAR: ZOMBIES!! *brings out heavy artillery*
P: -__-