Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Welcome to Intermission

L: To anyone who actually reads this blog: medical help is on the way. Hehe...but seriously...this thing's probly gunna be dead for a while, since KH2 comes out today...so I don't think we'll be posting much for a while...cuz KH2 shall consume our souls!!!
W: (throws blitzball at Luke's head again) You a lazy jackass, ya?!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I love plot changes.

M: *lands face-first in the sand* Ohmygawd.. ow... whatthe...
WAKKA: *had thrown the Blitzball that nailed Luke* Woah! Where'd this random guy come from? O__o
SELPHIE: *had been sparring with Wakka, using her.. jumprope.. of doom..* Did.. did he drop from the magical skytrain!? *runs over and starts poking at him as bouncing up and down* o__o
W: ...Uh, no. No skytrains. I think you should eat less sugar too, ya?
M: *pushes self up, spitting out sand* >>
S: Looklook, a girl too!! *runs over and starts jabbing Michelle in the head*
M: ACK! Stop!! Stop poking me!!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Hmm...we need a new setting...and some new characters...

A: What the f-(the rest of the word he said was drowned out by a distant explosion which was, not surprisingly, caused by Largo...nobody will ever know for sure what it is that Axel said that day...we can only speculate...)! Why am I wearing a collar?
L: I find it just as disturbing as you do, dude. But that's not the point...where the bloody hell is Nomura?
A: Under contract, I'm obligated not to say anything...
M: (tightens collar, choking Axel until he decides to talk)
L: Wow, that actually came in handy...
A: (wheezing) Okay, okay, I'll tell you...he's...(points behind us)HOLY CRAP WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?!?!?
L and M: (turn around and look)
A: (rips collar off and teleports away in a giant flash of light)
L and M: (are accidentally sucked into the light and immediately find themselves on...DESTINY ISLANDS!)
L: (is hit in head by random Blitzball)

Saturday, March 04, 2006

...I so totally was not going to abandon you. =D

M: *reappears allovasudden next to Largo* .... What? I wasn't scared. I didn't run. You were seeing things.
LAR: -_- Coward. I would at least expect you to fight it out like a true-
: -Shut up!! >> *throws reacquired rocket launcher at his head*
.... *pokes at Axel* Throwing that actually worked? O_o
LAR: *rubs large bump on his head* My cool thing pwnz0rz all.
M: .... *takes this opportunity to pull a collar out of her pocket, and puts it around Axel's neck* VICTORY!
L: I'm not going to ask why you had that with you.

Friday, March 03, 2006


L: (gathers melted pieces of face and duct tapes them back together) (attacks Axel again)
A: (yawns) (more fireballs)
L: need...new...strategy...
LAR: (throws "cool thing" at Axel's head)
A: (falls unconscious to the ground)
LAR: 5\/\/337.