Tuesday, February 21, 2006


M: *silent*
.... *stares at melting Luke*
*stares at Axel*
*stares back at oozing Luke*
*and stares back at Axel again*
*more silence*

*throws down rocket launcher, whirls around, and RUNS LIKE HELL* O____O;;

LAR: *still standing there, somewhat dumbstruck*

Monday, February 20, 2006

Lets see where the plot goes from here...

A: Oh come on, if you're gonna waste internet space, you could at least come up with a better title for your post.
L: Shut up! Where'd you take Nomura?
A: Well...I guess I could tell you...or I could just pwn you in the face with a fireball...
L: Fine, I'll make you talk! (lunges at Axel with katana, ready to stab some face)
A: (commences to pwn Luke in the face with a fireball, as promised)
L: ouch...how did I not see that coming? (passes out as face melts)
LAR: )00)...j00 g07 704573)... (Boo, his hamster conscience, smacks him in the face)

Thursday, February 16, 2006


M: ?! .... *directs aim of rocket launcher to teh firey redhead, setting fangirlishness aside* AXEL! What the hell are you doing here, and why isn't Nomura with you?!
LAR: .... That was sw33t. O__O
M: *kicks Largo in the shin* Axel's bad. Don't say anything he does is sw33t. >>

Sunday, February 12, 2006


M: (gets hold of rocket launcher) (begins to explode the heads of many zombies)
L: (begins beheading the undead w/katana)
LAR: HELL YEAH!!!!!(continues to machine gun-ize zombies)
P: (continues to walk away)

Suddenly, Axel teleports to the scene and disatches all of the zombies with a massive fiery attack.

L: (gasps) AXEL! Where did you take Nomura?